TECH Museum Field Trip: Thursday, March 13th 8am-215pm. We still need two more drivers, if possible. Below is my Venmo for those that don't have cash typically, like me. I need to pay this Friday, so please get me the $15 by then.
Science Projects are due: Wednesday, February 19th. Our class will tour the fair on the 21st. Students in our class who finished their projects will share them with the class the week of Feb 24-28th
Super Bowl Fundraiser winners are: Q1: Remy Cutillio family $75 Q2: Harper Hardesty Family $75, Q3: Dominik Vowles family $75, Q4 Irish Ranaan family $150 A big thanks to Sandra Moran for putting this all together! She will Venmo the winners at some point this week. I am so happy to announce that we made $400 to help Erica Zepeda out!
ELA Update-We are continuing our book Crispin Chapters 13-24 with comprehension and vocabulary activities.
Writing-Room 20 is drafting their Informational Writes with numerous teaching points to improve their writing.
Math-We continue Chapter 10 focusing in on Data Displays (Stem and Leaf/Histograms/Shapes and Distributions
History-We resume our focus on Israelites
Geography-We will take our US States and Capitals test this Friday
Thank you so much for your thoughtful gifts for my birthday! My family truly enjoyed Buzzo's on Saturday. 52 is looking good!
Read Chapter 14+15 - Do "What About Priests" activity
Math-Finish 10.2 on Histograms
Continue with definitions of vocabulary words on Google Doc