Monday, March 22, 2021

Week of March 22-26th

 Monday Asynch Review


No Science World Wifi Packet turned in:

Derek, Lila, Dylan B, Khushboo, Dylan D., Makena, Andre, David, Aly, Aaron, Jace, Noah

No King Tut Packet turned in:

Derek, Makena, Andre, Simone, John, Aaron, Jace, Noah, Emma

Finish Math 10.3 on Computer

FInish Newsela on Avengers

Monday Pickup: 

Wordly Wise15 packet

Central and South America Map+Country Checklist

Report Card 

Studies Weekly Israel +

Cohort Class Grouping

Drop off:

Spelling Test

Pi Activity Sheet (200 points)

Healthy Kid Permission slip

Late Work from 3rd Trimester

Wordly Wise Packet 14 WITH NAME #!

Tuesday Asynch Review

Check iGrades and complete zeros and email Mr. Sweet

Finish Math L 10.4 on Computer Box and Whisker Plots

Wordly Wise Finish 15a, b then do 15c

AR - 30 min.

Have your parents sign the report card envelope

Wednesday Asynch Review

Math-Finish 10.3 + 10.4 Quiz

Do 2 more Ancient Israelites Week 16 Articles and Questions

Wordly Wise 15d 

Thursday Asynch Review

Finish Week 16 Studies Weekly

Wordly Wise 15

Go to iGrade and finish zeros in gradebook today and over the break


Moby Max Writing:

Dylan B., Derek, Dusty, Ella, John, Leah, Lila, Makena, Natalie, Noah, Simone

Math 10.3 Lila, Ella, Riley, Simone,Dylan B, Makena, Andre, David, Aaron

10.4 Box/Whisker-Lila, Khushboo, Ella, Riley, Dylan B, Andre, David

Quiz 10.3+4

Derek, Lila, Khushboo, Makena, Ella, Andre, Riley, Simone, Leah, David, Aaron


Dylan DiPalma
10:11 AM
The internet is bad even my dad says it's bad when you get sucked into the black hole of internet you can not leave people who are sucked in then don't go outside explore nature and explore the wildlife If you are sucked into the black hole of internet there is not point in life All in all the internet is bad and so does my dad thinks it's bad
Jace Sandman
10:15 AM
The Electricity is running through our veins but really its running through our brains. 2.We think it is a new normal but really it is a unatrual. 3.All of us will be consumed and soon spiraled into doom.
Dakota Bamford
10:15 AM
The Electricity is running through our veins but really its running through our brains. 2.We think it is a new normal but really it is a unatrual. 3.All of us will be consumed and soon spiraled into doom.
Alyena Sampson
10:15 AM
A long time ago technology was not as advanced we didn't have apple or expensive cars we aren't shy we aren't strangers yet we sit there without a single word escaping our mouth staring at rectangles with light but you brought us closer yet made us more distant we are thankful for it but should we be?
Cole McGillicuddy
10:16 AM
1. Technology helps Improve understanding by Simplifying research 2. Technology harms Us by creating drama, Invading privacy
Bianca Bogaard Medinilla
10:16 AM
1. I like to think that technology is helpful but when I use it shuts me off from the world 2. I like to think that technology is helpful but when you use it you have to be careful 3. I like to think technology is helpful but it is toxic to the brain 4. I like to think that technology is helpful but it stunts your mental growth.
John Niswonger
10:16 AM
technology is good and bad but i think of it as sharks, nice but can lead to bad and drama, we carry them everywhere and make you mind traped.
Gabriella Wickham
10:19 AM
Electronics are a blessing and a curse, you always keep them in your purse, they make your brain hurt, but can help you stay alert.
Samantha Townsend
10:20 AM
Elle, Samantha and Dustin: When humans and technology connect Brains light up like stars in the sky There’s a whole new world to detect It’s all at our fingertips One step away One click away (we were gonna do more but we ran out of time)
Octavia Jarrett
10:20 AM
Today's world is filled with technology. Slowly bringing the world together. But is it also tearing it apart? Everywhere you look there is technology: Helping, helping and tearing and tearing. These days it is important to take breaks. A walk in the park, a hike in the forest. To leave technology behind. The water speaks to me all clear and blue whispering, like it wants to tell me something but it cant. its trapped in a moving abyss. all its emotions but no way to let them out pale blue
calm serene to dark bvlack and whirrling just like a person with techonalgy.
Makena Fernandez
10:21 AM
Once apon a time there was a little girl who was addicted to her phone she was rich she was mean and he dad bought her everything in in her mind while her friends always cried. Her dad died so she went outside ,bought 5 borritos and a bog of gas station friddos and finally noticed the world around her
Cole McGillicuddy
10:21 AM
1. Technology helps Improve understanding by Simplifying research 2. Technology harms Us by creating drama, Invading privacy
Lila Crigger
10:24 AM
Once apon a time, there was a little girl who was addicted to her phone, she was rich, she was mean, her dad bought her anything that came to mind while her friends outside always cried. One day her dad died so she went outside and at 5 burritos and went to the gas station to buy some fritos and finally noticed the world around her.

Makena Fernandez
10:25 AM
Once apon a time there was a little girl who was addicted to her phone she was rich she was mean and her dad bought her everything in in her mind while her friends always cried. Her dad died so she went outside ,bought 5 borritos and a bag of gas station friddos and finally noticed the world around her

Monday, March 15, 2021

March 15-19




Derek (Bart): Write in pencil-”I will not delete other peoples’ work while using Google Docs.”


Ch 9 Test: Aaron, Andre, David


10.1 Math Andre, Riley, Simone, David, Aaron, Noah,

10.2 Noah, Dylan B., Andre, Simone,  Leah, David, Aaron

Newsela on COVID(Amanda
Layla, Dusty, Natalie, Simone, David, Noah

Persuasive Claim + Reasons:

David, Aaron, Noah

Monday Pickup:

Wordly Wise14

Math Minute 70-77 Packet

Pi Day Fun

Drop off:

Healthy Kid Permission slip

Science World Magazine

Science World Packet

King Tut Packet


Read 30 min. AR

Math- Do Pi activity: Cook, Bake, or buy something circular and determine the Area/Circumference… and EAT the homework (TAKE A PICTURE WITH WHAT YOU BAKED)

Writing: Share your persuasive writing google doc a friend in class and comment on their claim/reasons.

Wordly Wise 14 Read all words and definitions and do activity 14a. Write out the answer.

Do 1 more section in Moby Max Writing

Wednesday Asynch Review

Check iGrades/finish zeros/gmail Mr. Sweet

Take picture with your “Pi Project” import into Google Classroom

Finish Pi Activity sheet on your 8 objects (area, circumference)

Finish Wordly Wise 14 a, b+c in packet

Asynch Work Thursday

Reading 30 min. AR

Moby Max- Do 2 more sections of Writer’s Workshop + copy and paste your thesis statement,  claim and three reasons into google doc shared with Mr. Sweet

Math-Finish Workbook 10.3 p.229-232

Finish Wordly Wise Packet-Due Monday


Finish Math 10.3 on Computer

Finish Newsela on Avengers

Finish Wordly Wise 14 Packet


No Science World Wifi Packet turned in:

Derek, Lila, Dylan B, Khushboo, Dylan D., Makena, Andre, David, Aly, Aaron, Jace, Noah

No King Tut Packet turned in:

Derek, Makena, Andre, Simone, John, Aaron, Jace, Noah, Emma

Monday Pickup: Wordly Wise15

Central and South America Map+Country Checklist

Report Card 

Studies Weekly Israel +

Cohort Class Grouping (for those opting in)

Drop off:

Spelling Test

Pi Activity Sheet (200 points)

Healthy Kid Permission slip

Late Work from 3rd Trimester

Wordly Wise Packet 14 WITH NAME and #!

Monday, March 8, 2021

Week of March 8-12


Monday Pickup: 

Science World Magazine

Science World Packet

Drop off:

Healthy Kids Permission Slip Signed


Google Class Stat Problem Careers:

Makena, Khushboo, Ella, Andre, Dusty, Natalie, Simone, David, Aaron, Jace Emma

Practice Test Chapter 9: Derek, Makena, David, Aaron, Andre

Chapter 9 Math Test Khushboo, Makena, Andre, David, Aaron

Newsela Skateboarding

Makena, David, Aaron


Finish 10.1 Stem and Leaf on Computer

Finish CSI King Tut Packet

Finish typing your persuasive essay topic/claim/3 supporting reasons on Google Classroom

Read Science World Cover Story :"Who Owns the Sky"

Wednesday Asynch Review

Science World : Read 3 More Articles (You should be done by Friday for Trivia Challenge!)

Math Finish 10.1 on Computer

Finish p.226+228 in wkbk + Do Khan Math Histogram 20 min.

Research your persuasive writing topic and add to your reason(s)

Science World Packet Due Monday

Thursday Asynch Review

Finish Reading Science World + Finish Packet

Due Monday

Finish King Tut Packet

Due Monday

Finish Math 10.2

Do Khan Academy Stem Leaf and Histograms to prep for quiz


Check Gradebook and complete zeros/gmail Mr. Sweet

Finish Math Quiz 10.1+10.2

Finish Science World + Packet

Ch 9 Test: Aaron, Andre, David


10.1 Math Andre, Riley, Simone, David, Aaron, Noah,

10.2 Noah, Lila, Dylan B., Andre, Simone,  Leah, David, Aaron

Newsela on COVID(Amanda)
Layla, Dusty, Natalie, Elle, Simone, David, Noah

Persuasive Claim + Reasons:

David, Aaron, Noah

Monday Pickup: Wordly Wise14

Math Minute 70-77 Packet

Pi Day Fun

Report Card(Those who didn’t turn in envelope, just get paper)

Drop off:

Healthy Kid Permission slip

Science World Magazine

Science World Packet

King Tut Packet

Monday, March 1, 2021

Week of March 1-5th

 Monday Asynchronous Work

Short Day (NO ASYNCH WORK unless you are finishing zeros, Taking AR quizzes, etc.

Monday Pickup: 

DLR Packet

Opinion Writing Packet

Healthy Kids Survey Permission Slip/Parent Sign and return next week

Hieroglyphics to translate

Run for Rio

STEM Car Kit!

Drop off:

Overdue work, informational book + cover, Egyptian Life Packet

TUESDAY Asynch Review

Finish Quiz 9.4 +9.5

FINISH Practice Test Ch. 9

Do any zeros + gmail Mr. Sweet (last day of 2nd Trimester)

Make your DIY Steam Car from plastic bag Design and Color it!

See Google Classroom Assignment

Wednesday Asynch Review

Finish Math Test Ch. 9

Finish Argument Checklist with 10 Topics/Claims

Read AR 30 min.

Finish Through “What can King Tut’s x-rays tell us” page in King Tut Packet

STEAM CAR due Friday

Thursday Asynch Review

Reading 30 min. AR New Goals!

Finish Math Test Chapter 9 (10 students who didn't complete it yesterday)

New Statistics Extra Credit Tomorrow (COVID problem canceled)

Translate Hieroglyphics for those that finished it

Do “Was it an illness that killed King Tut?” in packet

Finish: What We Learned Before Ch. 10 (6 problems)

Finish: Statistical Analysis Jobs in Google Classroom and Turn in

SCHOOL DANCE AT 1pm (or go to google classroom and click link there)


FINISH CH. 9 Practice Test Derek, Khushboo, Makena, Andre, Simone, David, Aaron

FINISH CH. 9 Test:

Khusboo, Makena, David, Simone, Aaron, Rylie, Andre

Newsela Skateboarding 

Makena, Khushboo, Dusty, Leah, David, Aaron, Samantha