WEEK OF 9/28-10/2
Dear Parents,
This week we will be MAP testing Monday-Friday. Please make sure your child has a quiet place to focus. On Monday and Tuesday it will be Reading MAP and Wednesday and Thursday will be Math MAP followed by makeups on Friday. Here are the items to be picked up on Monday from 8am-6pm. There is a new Asia Map and Bingo sheet along with Grammar warmups along with work to be returned that was graded. Have a great weekend and let me know if you have any questions.
Mr. Sweet
Asynchronous Work Monday
Pick up these items today in the cafeteria from 8am-6pm. . Remember to wear a mask if you go inside to pick them up!
New Asia Map and Bingo sheet
DLR (Daily Language Review)Grammar warmup packet
Graded work to be returned
Turn in any makeup work or extra credit
Makeup any unfinished work (zeros) in the gradebook
Asynchronous Tuesday
- Library! Check out a book and I will put them out for you on bench for Monday.
- Check AR Goal Update through November 6th (20% of grade in ELA)
- Finish Hatchet Chapter 12 Comprehension
- Finish Math Workbook in Dividing Mixed #s p. 40-42
- Chat Mr. Sweet your login/password for igradeplus.com 10 pts participation ELA
- Begin NEATLY labeling the Countries and Bodies of Water on Asia Map. (Try to get 10 done today)
iGrade Book sign in name/password: Chat it to Mr. Sweet
Ketchups makeup missed assignments
Optional: Begin Math 2.3 Divide by mixed #s
Asynchronous Work Thursday
* Finish Chapter 13 + Comp.
* Finish Math 2.3 Dividing Fractions
* Do 10 Countries in Asia
* BYOB Tomorrow "Bring your own BED"
Pajamas, Stuffed animals, pillows etc.
Movie, reading time together POPCORN AND SODA
History Quiz Week 6 “Historic Times Begin.”Use paper to answer questions. Type Narrative Rough Draft (Name the document like journal: (#7martinnarrative) Share with Mr. Sweet Flipgrid: https://flipgrid.com/15150a33 Asia Map