MONDAY, 4/20
8:10 a.m.- DLR (Daily Language Review): Week 30. Do Monday on Google Classroom Document
8:20 a.m.-Read “Is our Gain Also Our Loss?” by Caelin Loesch (Go to Perspectives online and click: “Small Group Learning” Link and then click the story. When finished, do the Google Classroom Comprehension activity. We will discuss this article on Zoom today at 1pm. Due Friday, along with all comprehension activities.
9:05-Writer’s Workshop Teaching Point: Opinion Writers improved their claim by researching BOTH sides of the argument listing best reasons. Find at least 3 pros and cons of each viewpoint. This will prepare us for our counter-argument paragraph this week.
9:45 - SURF (+ Take AR quizzes)
10:35-PE (Choose 3 of Mr. Kurek’s Activities here:
11:45 - Math-Chapter 6 Big Ideas! 6.1 Integers
Watch lesson here:
Do Workbook 6.1 in E-book through Clever
12:15 - Lunch
1:00 pm - Class Zoom:
Martin Sweet is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 915 3397 3532
Password: stoic
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 915 3397 3532
Password: stoic
1:30pm - Separate Zoom for #30-#26 one student at a time. We'll
Week 21 Ancient Greece! Read Studies Weekly Videos + Questions/Bonus
Quiz Friday
Homework Monday
Check your iGrade to see missing assignments
Writing-Please do a well-written paragraph about the virtue of “hope” shared by Mikayla in google classroom-Due Wednesday
Daily Stoic Responses Due Friday
Read 30 min. AR Book
8:00 a.m.- Do pledges and try do ALL virtues!
Deep Breathing with your eyes closed and meditate on your HOPES during this SIP time.
8:05 a.m.- DLR (Daily Language Review): Week 30. Do Tuesday on Google Classroom Document
8:15-a.m.-Read “Bored...and Brilliant” by NPR “All Things Considered” (Go to Perspectives online and click: “Small Group Learning” Link and then click the story. You may listen as you read. When finished, do the Google Classroom Comprehension activity. We will discuss this article on Zoom today at 1pm. Due Wednesday
9:05-Writer’s Workshop Teaching Point: Opinion Writers improved their claim by developing the counter argument paragraph. Catch up on Moby Max if behind
9:45 - SURF (+ Take AR quizzes + See AR % of goal in Grade Book)
10:35-PE (Choose 3 of Mr. Kurek’s Activities here:
11:45 - Math-Chapter 6 Big Ideas! 6.1 Integers Big Ideas Assigned
12:15 - Lunch
1:00 pm - Class Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 995 6896 1084
Password: HOPE!
1:30pm - Separate Zoom for #25-#19 one student at a time.
Watch “Olympics” Brain Pop, take quiz, and write 5 facts on Google Document.
Homework Tuesday
Read 20 Min. AR
Check your iGrade to see missing assignments
Finish Olympic and “Bored and Brilliant” Comprehension.
Finish Writing-Please do a well-written paragraph about the virtue of “hope” shared by Mikayla in google classroom-Due Wednesday
Daily Stoic Responses Due Friday
8:00 a.m.- Do pledges and try do ALL virtues!
Deep Breathing with your eyes closed and meditate on your HOPES after Shelter in Place is Lifted!
8:05 a.m.- DLR (Daily Language Review): Week 30. Do Wednesday on Google Classroom Document
8:15-a.m.- Read Newsela on:"Pets Provide Comfort During the Crisis"+ Quiz
8:40- Share your counterargument paragraph with friend or parent, and get their feedback about what it can be improved.
TP # ?? Opinion writers support their claim by addressing an opposite point of view with effective starters: "Others might say.." "A different view is...,
Here are a bunch of ideas for counters/disproving sentence stems:
So...finalize your counterargument paragraph.
10:10-Do EUROPE MAP:
10:50-Math L 6.2 Watch Ordering Integers here:
Take notes and solve the problems along with the video.
Next, do the workbook pages with 6.2 in online workbook
11:50 - When finished, do Khan Lesson on ordering integers
12:15-Lunch -
1:00pm Zoom-Topic: Sweet Wed. Zoom Meeting ID: 963 3881 9741 Password: petsrock
1:30pm Zoom Checkins with: Hannah, Haylie, Carina, Evie, Aoife, Isabel
(Henry and A-aron missed theirs today) Homework Wednesday
Begin March Madness Part 3
AR 20 Min.
Congrats to the finalists! Riley, Charlize, Elissa, Aoife, Haylie, Carina, Reve, Hannah, Sean, &Natalia
8:40- Share your counterargument paragraph with friend or parent, and get their feedback about what it can be improved.
TP # ?? Opinion writers support their claim by addressing an opposite point of view with effective starters: "Others might say.." "A different view is...,
Here are a bunch of ideas for counters/disproving sentence stems:
So...finalize your counterargument paragraph.
10:10-Do EUROPE MAP:
10:50-Math L 6.2 Watch Ordering Integers here:
Take notes and solve the problems along with the video.
Next, do the workbook pages with 6.2 in online workbook
11:50 - When finished, do Khan Lesson on ordering integers
12:15-Lunch -
1:00pm Zoom-Topic: Sweet Wed. Zoom Meeting ID: 963 3881 9741 Password: petsrock
1:30pm Zoom Checkins with: Hannah, Haylie, Carina, Evie, Aoife, Isabel
(Henry and A-aron missed theirs today) Homework Wednesday
Begin March Madness Part 3
AR 20 Min.
Congrats to the finalists! Riley, Charlize, Elissa, Aoife, Haylie, Carina, Reve, Hannah, Sean, &Natalia
8:00 a.m.- Do pledges and try do ALL virtues!
Deep Breathing with your eyes closed and meditate on your HOPES for our country and the world.
8:05 a.m.- DLR (Daily Language Review): Week 30. Do Thurs/Fri-turn in + Quiz Friday.
8:15-a.m.- Read Newsela on:"A History of the Olympic Games"+ Quiz
8:40- TP # ? Effective Argumentative Writers use quotes to support their reasons. So...research your claim, get supporting quotes, and cite where you get them in a bibliography. Put the quotes into to your paper, where appropriate. Here are a few stems to "unpack" your research/quotes:
10:10-Do EUROPE MAP:
10:50-Math L 6.2 Do Big Ideas Lesson
11:50 - SWART- I would like you to draw me a picture of something that is meaningful, or inspirational during this "Shelter
12:15-Lunch -
1:00pm Zoom-Topic:
SweetZoom Thursday Time: Apr 23, 2020 01:00 PM Meeting ID: 961 1594 3608 Password: time2learn
Finish Week 21 Studies Weekly on Greeks
Check in zooms links were sent to:
Maslin, Luke, Charlize, Riley, Cayla, Garrett, Isla, and Elissa
Homework Thursday
Finish Math 6.2
Study for DLR 30
Finish Studies Weekly
Study for Greek Quiz/Kahoot!
8:40- TP # ? Effective Argumentative Writers use quotes to support their reasons. So...research your claim, get supporting quotes, and cite where you get them in a bibliography. Put the quotes into to your paper, where appropriate. Here are a few stems to "unpack" your research/quotes:
10:10-Do EUROPE MAP:
10:50-Math L 6.2 Do Big Ideas Lesson
11:50 - SWART- I would like you to draw me a picture of something that is meaningful, or inspirational during this "Shelter
12:15-Lunch -
1:00pm Zoom-Topic:
SweetZoom Thursday Time: Apr 23, 2020 01:00 PM Meeting ID: 961 1594 3608 Password: time2learn
Finish Week 21 Studies Weekly on Greeks
Check in zooms links were sent to:
Maslin, Luke, Charlize, Riley, Cayla, Garrett, Isla, and Elissa
Homework Thursday
Finish Math 6.2
Study for DLR 30
Finish Studies Weekly
Study for Greek Quiz/Kahoot!
8:00 a.m.- DLR Quiz 30 Google Classroom Assignment
8:20 a.m.-Read Newsela "Lockdown Entertainment Goes Viral" + Quiz
8:45 a.m.-History Quiz Week 21 Greeks!
9:15-Writer’s Workshop-Make sure that you have shared your Argumentative Essay with me in Google Docs...
Teaching Point #? : Opinion writers support their claim by including examples/details/facts. When done doing this in your reason body paragraphs, just keep writing and make sure all of your content connects to YOUR CLAIM/OPINION.
9:15-Writer’s Workshop-Make sure that you have shared your Argumentative Essay with me in Google Docs...
Teaching Point #? : Opinion writers support their claim by including examples/details/facts. When done doing this in your reason body paragraphs, just keep writing and make sure all of your content connects to YOUR CLAIM/OPINION.
10:00 - SURF (+ Take AR quizzes)
10:35-SWEEPE (Mr. Sweet will do this too, and record how long/many he does on this blog.) Try to beat me! Check your heart rate before and after each of these.
Do Phantom Chair
Do Plank
Do Sit-ups
Do Push-ups
Run as fast as you can for 1min.
Do Phantom Chair
Do Plank
Do Sit-ups
Do Push-ups
Run as fast as you can for 1min.
11:45 - Math-Do Khan Academy Integers work Quiz on Tuesday
12:15 - Lunch
1:00 pm - Class Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 974 2843 3780 Password: Kahoot!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 974 2843 3780 Password: Kahoot!
1:15pm - Separate Zoom for Charlize, Henry, Aaron, Ava, Everett, Noah
1:15pm-Choice: Finish any zeros and turn in, or...
Extra-Credit over the weekend: Some of your parents may have the movie.
Watch: "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and write a one-page paper about what you learned from this fun movie! $2.99 on Amazon to rent. Share your google document with me when finished.
If you are not able to watch the movie, do your March Madness Part 3 in google classroom (Due Next Wednesday)
1:15pm-Choice: Finish any zeros and turn in, or...
Extra-Credit over the weekend: Some of your parents may have the movie.
Watch: "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and write a one-page paper about what you learned from this fun movie! $2.99 on Amazon to rent. Share your google document with me when finished.
If you are not able to watch the movie, do your March Madness Part 3 in google classroom (Due Next Wednesday)
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