Monday, March 23, 2020

March 23rd-27th AT HOME!

Monday School at Home 

9:00 am - Class Zoom meeting. Each parent was sent the code to sign in to join the meeting along with the rules. I will post this on the google classroom as well.

9:30 am - Reading Chapter 28 in Anne of Green Gables
packet pages 52+part of 53 (Use audiobook as you read if you'd like)

10:20-Recess! Go outside get some fresh air. Ride a bike, skateboard, rollerblade, jog or do intervals in your neighborhood, or juggle with a soccer ball/hacky sack

10:40-Math Watch Anywhere Math on Stem and Leaf Plots Chapter 10.1 (Take notes in a notebook, or in binder with paper.

You may want to FaceTime/call a friend and go through this together to help one another.
Next, with a notebook/paper, do Big Ideas Math Workbook that follows the lesson in Dynamic Classroom (in clever link through Big Ideas) p. 434-437 Work together, or on your own. You could zoom with each other just like we do outside in pairs.* See Google Classroom for steps to open if you don't know how* I  made a video and screen casted.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 pm - Silent Reading

1:30pm -  Studies Weekly History Week 26 Ancient China (Oh, the irony!)

Homework: Call/face time a friend on the phone and check in with each other. Do something nice for a sibling or parent at home that shows you care.

Tuesday School 

8:00 am - Mindfulness! Close your eyes and breathe deeply for 2 minutes. Process about how the virtue of patience is going to serve you well these coming days, weeks and ultimately your life!

Google Classroom Assignment Check-in 
(Review each of the assignments and look at the pictures/details for each one)

8:05 - Read Anne Chapter 29 and finish page 53 in packet
8:40 - Fill out Google Classroom Opinion Topic Shared Doc (Click on instructions to access shared page)
Scroll down below and get your sign in credentials to Moby Max- WRITE DOWN and save! 
Sign in to Moby Max
8:50 - Do 1st Writer's Workshop assignment in Moby!
9:20- Finish Book Project Rectangles, take pic of both sides and attach to Google Classroom Assignment
9:45- AR (Try to take AR tests and let me know if they work at home)
10:20-Recess (Get a snack and get outside and play!)
10:40-PE (Choose 3 of activities from Google Classroom Assignment Page for PE)
11:30- Math Do BIM L10.1 Stem and Leaf
12:55- Listen to Chapter 6 of Number the Stars 

1:15 - Continue to do Ancient China Week 26 in Studies Weekly+ Bonus Material 
1:45 - Watch Brain pop on Great Wall of China (Go through Clever)
Write 5 facts that you learned in complete sentences on google assignment.

2:10 - Homework Planner:
Finish Big Ideas 10.1 Stem and Leaf
Set up your e-mail and send me an e-mail at this link:
How to Access Gmail
Try to play a board game with your family if you're not too busy!

Watch Seahawk News:

8:00 am - Deep Breathing, feel free to play some peaceful music that is comforting. Think about 
how you can grow through this time at home without being literally in school. How can you be the best version of yourself today? What skills are you learning that will serve you well? Tap into that!

8:05- Read Chapter 30 of Anne + p. 55 + 56 in packet. (We'll turn these in and grade them after
9:00 - Moby Max Writer's Workshop.Do next two lessons. Next, our Writer's Workshop teaching 
point is: Argumentative Writers create an effective thesis/claim by CLEARLY stating their opinion:
Write your clearly stated opinion on the google doc assignment.
Optional: join Zoom meeting some requested through google classroom page feed.
9:45-SURF! Take AR quizzes
10:20-Recess- Get outside! Do some PE challenges and share on Google class. Btw, my best 
soccer juggling is 37 times.
10:35 - Math L 10.2 Histograms: Watch this youtube from anywhere math.
Like on Monday, take 
notes and then do the workbook pages on a piece of binder paper, or notebook. FaceTime friends to do the activity together, or individually. Click here if you don't know how to access workbook 
pages for practice.

11:45-Listen to Chapter 7 of Number the Stars

12:00 Lunch

Homework: Ask your parents if you can do something to help around the house. 
I will e-mail to check to see if you have!


8:00-Read Chapter 31 + 32 of Anne of Green Gables +
8:50- Writer's Workshop-"TP" Argumentative writers create an effective thesis/claim by CLEARLY stating their opinion."
Write your opinion/claim on the opinion topic google document. (I created a new column) 
Next, do Moby Max Writer's Workshop
9:45- SURF time. Read an AR book
10:35-Do Math L 10.2 Histograms
10:55-ART- Do 1, or 2 of the Art lessons in Google Classroom.
11:40-Continue Math. If finished, do Khan Stem Leaf + Histograms
12:15- Lunch
12:50- Listen to Chapter 8 of Number the Stars
on Friday I    will read aloud via Zoom Meeting!
1:15-Finish Week 26 Ancient China + Watch "Silk Road" on Brainpop through Clever
Write 5 facts on Google Classroom Assignment

Study for Math Quiz (Histograms + Stem Leaf)Khan Math
Study for Ancient China Quiz
Give your mom and dad a hug

8:00 - 2ish minutes of Deep breathing: With your eyes closed, think about what you are grateful for  today
8:05 - Check out the Extra-Credit I posted on Google Classroom for the coming months. We are not scheduled to come back to school until May 5th.
8:15-Math Quiz 10.1 + 10.2 Stem Leaf/Histograms
9:00 - Zoom Meeting: Posted on Google Classroom Feed and e-mailed to your parents.
9:45 - History Quiz: Ancient China Week 26 Studies Weekly
10:35-Send me friendly letters to your kinder buddies! Make sure to write their name in the greeting with your name in the closing. They would love this. I made a google classroom assignment. I will share with Mrs. Victory. Add pics and how you are feeling, and what you are doing to keep busy.
11:45-Watch famous Chinese inventions:
Do Google Class Assignment that Goes along with this
12:15 - Lunch

12:55- MR SWEET READALOUD AT: Martin Sweet is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 981 191 069
Password: Room20Listen to Chapter 9 of Number the Stars:

Finish up any of these assignments and ENJOY YOUR SPRING BREAK! 

Once again, I triple-dog dare you to start the 5 Sport/Activity Challenge!

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