Sunday, March 10, 2013


In Reading our class kicks off an amazing book entitled Crispin by Avi. The setting of the book is in Stromford, England in the 1300's. Crispin deals with the theme of the "diamond in the rough" and some pretty intense situations...the Plague, Feudalism, betrayal, perseverance, and much more. This week's reading strategies and skill focus will be in Predicting Outcomes and Summarizing. Our Spelling Vocabulary will also come from this section so students show know the meanings and spellings of the words by the end of the week.

In writing we are learning how to write Limericks, a very challenging task for many o' wee lads.
The rhyming pattern is: A A B B A. Lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme while 3 and 4 rhyme together. The other tricky part is making the syllabic pattern match the same form.

A.R. Reading Goal Sheets go home this week to be signed and returned.

Room 12 will be learning more Geometry this week, focusing on area of Triangles and Parallelograms.

In History we will be wrapping up Chapter 9 on the Revolution this week.

Report Cards go home Friday!

More to come soon

Read A.R. Book 25 minutes
Math- Finish L82odds + p.195+196
Writing-Finish 3 Limericks Rough Drafts (See blog below for examples+templates)
Finish p.94-96 in Social Studies Wkbk

Read A.R. 25 Minutes
Math-Finish L 83evens + HM 203+204
Study Vocabulary Words-Test Thursday afternoon
Create 3 Investigative Questions for Science Projects
Due Thursday
Heritage Project

Read A.R. 25 Minutes
Math-Finish L 84odds
Finish Final Drafts of Limericks with Art and Color
Study Vocabulary Words-Test Thursday afternoon (on Spelling Blog)
Create 3 Investigative Questions for Science Projects (Use link
on right for ideas and the 5 you wrote down from Science Fair
Due Thursday

Read A.R. 25 Minutes
Study Spelling Words
Correct 3 Investigative Questions for Science Projects (Use link
on right for ideas and the 5 you wrote down from Science Fair
NO PRODUCT COMPARISON! You have to be able to test this
Go to:
Heritage Projects

There once was a girl who loved rhyme;
 She felt her writing was sublime.
 Indeed quite a poet,
 Though some didn't know it,
 She'd be rich if each paid a dime.

There was a mean clown in the circus.
 For fun he would push us and jerk us.
 He would hit us with pies
 That left cream in our eyes.
 His act never once failed to irk us.

A flea and a fly in a flue
Were caught, so what could they do?
Said the fly, "Let us flee."
"Let us fly," said the flea.
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

There once was a pauper named Meg
Who accidentally broke her _______.
She slipped on the ______.
Not once, but thrice
Take no pity on her, I __________.

Template - A:
There once was a ______________ from __________________.
All the while s/he hoped _______________________________.
So s/he _______________________________.
And _________________________________.
That ___________________ from ___________________.

Template - B:
I once met a _________________ from ___________________.
Every day s/he _______________________________________.
But whenever s/he ______________________.
The _________________________________.
That strange ___________________ from ___________________.

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