Monday, May 3, 2010


Dear Parents,
It would be wonderful if a couple parents could help me with the 13 Colony Musical. We practice in the afternoons from 1-2pm and it is simple to facilitate. Please reply if you are interested. Also, please make sure your child practices their lines, songs and acting motions/delivery.
This week each child will be sharing their Science Project with a speech that is 2-5 minutes. All they need to do is go through the process of investigative question, hypothesis etc. They should all share their favorite things about the project and what they would do differently next time. Finally, they will come up with two questions to ask the class. Practicing in front of a mirror is very effective. We wrote our speech in class and each child selected the day to share their speeches.
Progress Reports will go home this Friday.
We will be finishing testing this Friday so please make sure your child comes every day this week.
This Friday we will have a fun Book Fair Exchange. If your child would like to participate please have them bring in any books they do not read anymore to share. For each book they will receive a ticket to purchase another book.
Raffle Tickets were due today, but if you turn them in tomorrow I'll forward them to the coordinator.
Boardwalk Permission/Driver/ + Money is due this Wednesday. If your child has a pass please let me know on the permission slip.
4th grade KOA Field Trip forms were sent home today.
Finally, please have your 5th grader bring in a tissue box for the Presidential Cube Project.
That's it for now. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Mr. Sweet

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