Sunday, October 25, 2009


Dear Parents,
This is an exciting week for the students at Rio Del Mar. Our school is starting our Monday morning assemblies this week and our student leaders from room 12 will be leading the school in the flag salute. Friday is certainly the craziest day of the year in class and throughout the school. Please try to make it to our annual school parade on the intermediate playground from 8:15 - 8:45 a.m. Our class will be marching around with our 1st grade reading buddies. Rumor has it that there are some outrageous costumes this year... Our class party will be from 12:40-2pm. You are invited to come by and celebrate with us. Thank you to the parents who are helping make this a special party.

Learning Update

* This week in class we are continuing our book, A Wrinkle in Time.
* In writing we are finishing up our Spooky Stories. In this story our class is learning to use dialogue and begin new paragraphs when a new speaker says something. In addition, students are using two similes in their exciting stories.
* During Spanish time we will be learning about Dia De Los Muertos
* Our 4th/5th graders will be learning to use Garage Band in the Computer Lab. Each student will be typing their spooky stories. After this, they will record their voices reading the story. Finally, they will create the musical score to go along with it and convert the file to Itunes to put on their Ipod. It should be fun!
* There are new and exciting explorations in Science this week when we learn more about electricity and magnetism and their similarities. In 5th grade we continue to learn about the Periodic Table and its uses.
* From now on we will be doing one group of News Teams each week. This week we have the "Choco Tacos" presenting their current events.
* Our class will also be writing a brief speech outline to share our Pizza Book Projects this coming Friday.
* As a reminder, next Monday, November 2nd, will be the last day to take an Accelerated Reader Quiz.

See you at the school where kind hearts and open minds rule!
Mr. Sweet

Weekly Quotes

"Hold on, man. We don't go anywhere with "scary," "spooky," "haunted," or "forbidden" in the title." ~From Scooby-Doo

"When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween."
~Author Unknown

Write a brief history of where the holiday Halloween (DUE THURSDAY) comes from. What do the symbols mean? You may do a poster instead of a report, or a powerpoint.

FINISH CH. 5 + Lit. Circle
Math L62
Writing-Finish final draft
of Spooky Story
Extra Credit due Friday

Math L65-4th, L64-5th
Pizza Book Project
Extra Credit Due Friday

Finish Ch. 7
Math L68
Spelling-p.73, 75 in cursive
Pizza Book Project Due Friday

Finish Ch.8
Math L70
Pizza Projects Due

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