Monday, September 3, 2012


Reading-Read 25 minutes and write a summary
Parents need to sign and return AR GOAL SHEET
Math - Finish Saxon L6 evens
Spelling - p.29-32 in ELA wkbk(Due Friday) go to
Write Definitions of #21-30 on pre-test (study spelling and meanings)-DUE FRIDAY
Use word dynamo!
Picture Day Form, Book Orders

Reading-Read 25 minutes and write a summary
Parents need to sign and return AR GOAL SHEET
Math - Finish Saxon L7odds + HM Chapter Review (Fractions)
Write Definitions of #21-30 on pre-test (study spelling and meanings)-DUE FRIDAY
Use word dynamo!
Picture Day Form, Book Orders

Reading-Read 25 minute
Math - Finish Saxon L8evens + HM Chapter Review 2 (Fractions)
ELA-Finish classwork pages 23+25-28 Due Friday
Write Definitions of #21-30 on pre-test (study spelling and meanings)-DUE FRIDAY
Use word dynamo!
Book Orders due next Friday
Ch. 3 Explorers Test Next Friday, September 14th (See study guide on right)


* Our class is reading a story this week called "Eye of the Storm," which is about the life of a storm chaser/photographer. I am continuing to read aloud Where the Red Fern Grows after lunch and the class just loves it!

* Accelerated Reader Goal Sheets will go home today for the 1st trimester.
Please sign and return them asap.

* In American History we continue to study the Age of Exploration in Lesson 2 and 3 of Chapter 3.

* In writing Room 12 will be finishing our final drafts of our Summer Essay and some journal writing. Our Spelling this week will come from the Eye of the Storm and Social Studies. Go to this link to learn the words and vocabulary:
We will continue to work on Grammar and Mechanics utilizing the DLR (6th Grade Level Daily Language Review) Curriculum

* In math we are wrapping up our study of these lessons from last week...
On Tuesday there will be a review sheet going home.
Also, to prep for the test on Wednesday, use the link on the right for Chapter 2 review. Multiplication Speed Tests will continue to be done weekly.

That's it for now!
Have a fantastic week and we'll see you at the school "where kind hearts and open minds rule."
Mr. Sweet

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