Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 5-9th

A big thank you goes out to the parents who drove on our field trip to the Monterey Weather Station who dealt with my lame Google directions!

Science: This week our class will share their Weather Instruments with the class. We will review the Weather Unit and take our test this Wednesday to show off our learning. We will also begin learning about the significance of water on our planet as we kick off the new unit in Science. Finally, we will go over well-written Investigative Questions for Science Projects as we delve into original Science Project ideas.

In Writing our class will be writing our final drafts of our Pen Pal letters to Elizabeth B.'s new school in Pennsylvania. In addition, our 5th graders will learn how to write Limericks.

In Reading we will continue to focus on the HM Core Lit. Book and the accompanying workbook pages. Also, each student will receive their A.R. Goal for the 3rd trimester.

Math: Ch. 20+21-Geometric Figures and Area of Irregular Shapes.

On Friday our class will go on a field trip to the UCSC Life Lab to learn about nutrition, horticulture and the human body. In addition, we will make soup together and get to eat it! I will post the drivers on Monday afternoon.

MATH CONTEST-Our class had 13 students that signed up for the Math Contest. However, only 3 have turned in the permission slips so please sign and return those forms.

Finally, our class had an amazing class meeting and I intend to continue this once a week. It was honestly the most deep, heartfelt meeting I have had in my 14 years of teaching. You have amazing children with a deep sense of justice and what REALLY matters!

That's it for now!
Mr. Sweet

UCSC FIELD TRIP-Friday, March 9th-Depart at 9:20 a.m.
Lindsey-(3 students)
Tawni (4-6)
Sarah T.(4)
Hilary (4)
Evan (4)
Linda (5)
Heather B. (4)
Chaperones/Emergency Sub
Jamie M.

Reading-A.R. 20 minutes
Math p.185+186 HM + Saxon L95 odds
ELA Wkbk Pages Due Friday-p. 293-306
Field Trip Friday
Weather Test-Wednesday

Reading Optional
Math - Finish L96 evens + Perimeter Area
Study For Science Test
Field Trip Drivers

Reading - 20min
Math-Take Pre-Test Chapter 20 on Blog
ELA Wkbk Pages

Homework Thursday
Math-Finish Saxon Pre-Test 15a
Finish ELA WKBK Pages-Due tomorrow
Begin Scheduling Interviews for Heritage Project
Bring Lunch for field trip tomorrow

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