Sunday, November 29, 2009


Welcome back! Wasn't that wonderful to have a whole week off?! My family had a total of 5 Thanksgiving Celebrations with family and friends! Needless to say, I look forward to getting back into shape.
Here is what is afoot in Room 12 this week:
* Both grades will be continuing their books. In 4th grade we will be wrapping up James and the Giant Peach the next two weeks. 5th grades will also be finishing Crispin together.
* In Technology our class is learning to use Microsoft Powerpoint. In doing so, we are growing in our understanding of how to import images, the paraphrasing of research and creating a Bibliography. In 4th grade they are learning about the main characters of James and the Giant Peach while in 5th grade we are learning about the Middle Ages, Castles, Knights, Peasants, Weaponry etc.
* In Social Studies 4th grade will learn about the Land Grants in Alta California, which led to the ranchos. Each 4th grader will be writing their very own land grant letter along with a diseno of the land they wish to take over.
5th Graders will continue to learn about the original colonies. Each child will be designing a museum exhibit as a team. These exhibits will consist of diary entries, poems, mobiles, pictures, portraits, ceramic/clay structures and much more.
* In Math we will be finishing up our first book by the winter break.
* 5th graders should be about a half way through the Family Heritage Projects, which are due close to our break.

That's it for now!

Reading-4th Grade Ch. 33-37 James + Summary
5th-Ch. 30-31 + Summary
Math L94
Learn Vocab-4th Grade-#21-30
5th Grade #1-20
Winter Food Drive
Heritage Report

Reading-4th Grade Read A.R. Book for 20 minutes
5th-Ch. 34+35 + Summary
Math L96
Learn Vocab-4th Grade-#21-30
5th Grade #1-20
Winter Food Drive
Heritage Report

Reading-4th 20-4-1
5th-Ch. 40-42+Summary
Math L98
Study Vocab
News Teams-Meaty Mammoths Choose Article-Due Thursday

Reading-4th -20 min. AR
5th-Ch. 47-49
Math L100
Study Vocab/Spelling for tests
News Teams-Meaty Mammoths Choose Article-Summaries due Monday
Practice Poem recitation

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