Sunday, August 17, 2008

Week 1

Weekly Quote
"Trying to educate the young without the help and support from the home is akin to trying to rake leaves in a high wind."
P. Gough

Weekly Riddle
At night they come without being fetched,
and by day they are lost without being stolen.
What are they?

Wow! We had quite a wonderful first short week of school together. We had the opportunity to get to know each other through interviews, coat of arms and bio-poems. We also did many fun projects and learned about important rules, procedures and details needed to be successful in 5th grade. On Friday we used the computers to find out about the Olympics through fun online scavenger hunts. Furthermore, each child selected a country to learn about and track their participation in these Olympic games in China.

This week we dive into our reading, writing, math and social studies curriculum. We will also continue to learn about the Olympics, graph our country's medal count and even have our own mini-Olympics this coming Friday. Strap on your seat belts and hold on tight!

See you at school,

Martin Sweet

Reading - 20/4/1
Math - Finish Pre-Test (no parent help)
Spelling - Study words test Friday
p. 9-12 in yellow workbook DUE FRIDAY (Always do spelling assignments in cursive)

Reading - 20/4/1
Math - Finish L4
Spelling - Study words test Friday
p. 9-12 in yellow workbook DUE FRIDAY (Always do spelling assignments in cursive)
*Optional* Finish Friendly Letter

Reading - 20/4/1
Math - Finish L6
Spelling - Study words + Finish p.9-12 in cursive... test Friday
Writing- Finish Friendly Letter

Reading - Read 20min.
Math - Finish L10+Pre-Test
Spelling - Study for Spelling Test + DLR TEST

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